The inspiration

Friday 2 August 2013

Greekish Prawns and Feta

Another of my made up as I go along teas, loosely based on a Greek dish.

To make this, I gently heated a carton of chopped tomatoes and herbs with garlic, marjoram, chopped red pepper, a chopped red chilli, a tsp sugar, salt, pepper, a splash of balsamic vinegar with a squeeze of tomato puree. (Not very technical on the tomato puree and balsamic fronts, but I reckon it was about 1-2 tablespoons). 

When the sauce had thickened and the veg had softened, about 20 minutes give or take, I added some peeled raw prawns and cooked 2-3 minutes until they were pink and cooked.  You could use cooked prawns, just cook until they are heated through or they will go rubbery.

I served this concoction with pastini which is very like orzo, but rice or pasta would be just as good.  Serve the sauce over your choice and top with cubes of feta cheese.  Delicious if I say so myself !

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